if 5:10 pm california time cambodia ?

Do you know the time difference between Cambodia and California. If it is 5:10 PM in California then what time in cambodia ?

If it is 5:10 PM in California, then it is 8:10 AM in Cambodia (Next day).

if 5:10 pm california time cambodia

Convert 5:10 PM in California to its equivalent time in Cambodia

The California-Cambodia Time Difference

California is in the Pacific Time Zone, which is 8 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-8). Cambodia is in the Indochina Time Zone, which is 7 hours ahead of UTC (UTC+7). This means that when it is 5:00 PM in California, it is already 8:00 AM the next day in Cambodia.

So, the time difference between California and Cambodia is 15 hours, meaning that when it is 5:10 PM in California, it is already 8:10 AM the next day in Cambodia.


California Time → Cambodia Time Conversion Chart

Here is a time conversion chart for California to Cambodia:

time conversion chart for California to Cambodia

(Time conversion chart for California to Cambodia)


You can use a time zone converter website to convert between Cambodia Time and California Time. Some popular ones include:

  • Timeanddate.com

  • Worldtimebuddy.com

  • Mytimezoneconverter.com

These websites allow you to easily calculate the equivalent time in another time zone by simply selecting the two locations and the desired time. They also provide additional information such as daylight saving time, current time in both locations, and time zone information.