What time is 5:30 cambodia time in new york ?

If it's 5:30 AM in Cambodia, it would be 5:30 PM (Previous Day) in New York.

if 5:10 pm california time cambodia

(Convert 5:30 AM in California to its equivalent time in Cambodia)


The time difference between Cambodia and New York

The time difference between Cambodia and New York is 12 hours. When it's 12:00 PM in New York, it's 12:00 AM the next day in Cambodia.

Cambodia is in the Indochina Time Zone, which is 7 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+7). New York, on the other hand, is in the Eastern Standard Time Zone, which is 5 hours behind UTC (UTC-5). Therefore, the difference between the two time zones is 12 hours.

CambodiaTime → NewyorkTime Conversion Chart

Here is a time conversion chart for California to Newyork:

You can use a time zone converter website to convert the time from Cambodia to New York. Here's one you can use:


Simply select "Phnom Penh, Cambodia" as the starting location and "New York, USA" as the destination location, and enter the time you would like to convert. The website will show you the equivalent time in the other location. It also provides additional information such as the current date, daylight saving time status, and a map showing the location of the cities in relation to each other.